How Your Fundraising Helps
Vision Australia provides services to tens of thousands of Australians with varying degrees of vision loss. Our services meet the needs presented over the course of a lifetime from children requirements through to study, employment, recreation and other vital services. Through your support we can continue to offer many of our services free of charge to those most in need.
Start FundraisingThe Gifts of Freedom and Independence
Seeing Eye Dogs Australia, is the only national breeder, trainer and supplier of Seeing Eye Dogs. It takes a lot of time, love, patience and money to raise these special working dogs that will one day become the gift of independence for people who are blind or have low vision. Your fundraising makes it possible!
Start FundraisingChanging and Saving Lives
35 year old Aviva was devastated when a health condition caused her to suddenly lose her eyesight. She was put in touch with Seeing Eye Dogs Australia and matched with Warwick, a delightful and incredibly loyal black Labrador who, from their first day alone together, proved to be a lifesaver.
Start FundraisingTop Fundraisers
Whilst everyone's efforts are truly commendable, these fundraisers are in our Hall of Fame for being absolutely inspirational in going the extra mile becoming our top fundraisers and teams. Three cheers, hats off, and truly a job well done to you all.